swagger: '2.0' x-asee-visibility: public info: version: v1 title: Party API description: | Party API gives you access to individuals and organizations registered with the financial institution whether they are customers or just prospects or related parties. Also you can get all party related information like identification documents, contact points and relationships. contact: name: Mojsic Sasa url: https://bankapi.net/docs/public/party-getstarted.html email: mojsic@asseco-see.rs host: bankapi.net basePath: /v1/party schemes: - https - http consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json tags: - name: Parties description: Working with individuals and organizations - name: Individuals description: Working with Individuals - name: Organizations description: Working with Organizations - name: Contact points description: Working with contact points - name: Classifications description: Working with classifications paths: '/parties': get: summary: List parties matching filter criteria description: Returns list of individuals and organizations that match filter criteria tags: - Parties x-asee-tags: - Pageable - Shapeable - Sortable operationId: Parties_GetList parameters: - name: kind in: query description: | Party kind. If omitted or not present both individuals and organizations are returned. For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. type: string enum: [individual, organization] - name: statuses in: query description: | Customer statuses of interest to filter parties. If omitted or not present all customer statuses are considered interesting. For a list of possible values see [customer-statuses](party-classifications.html#customer-statuses) enumeration. type: array items: type: string enum: [potential, prospective, active, dormant, former, declined, rejected] collectionFormat: csv - name: id-number description: External identity number taken from original or certified documents. Must be used in conjuntion with `id-kind` parameter. in: query type: string - name: id-kind in: query description: | 'Kind of identification number. Common values are `personal-id-number`, `passport-number`, `registration-number`' For a list of possible values see [identification-kinds](party-classifications.html#identification-kinds) enumeration. type: string enum: [registration-number, tax-id-number, personal-id-number, identity-card-number, passport-number, driver-license-number, social-security-number] - name: individual-status in: query description: | Lifecycle of individual. For Individual can be living or deceased type: string enum: [living, deceased] - $ref: '#/parameters/name-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/telecommunication-number-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/email-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/facebook-account-param' - $ref: "#/parameters/page-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/page-size-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/sort-by-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/sort-order-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/include-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/trim-param" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/paged-party-list' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/sync': get: summary: List parties for synchronization description: Returns list of individuals and organizations that are changed after timestamp token supplied tags: - Parties x-asee-tags: - Sync operationId: Parties_Sync parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/sync-timestamp-param" responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/party-list' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/search': get: summary: Search for individuals and organizations across textual fields description: "Returns a list of parties that match filters and search terms accross textual fields such as name, address. Assumed sort is by relevance and then by recency. For addresses tagged with geographic coordinates radius filter can be applied" tags: - Parties x-asee-tags: - Searchable - Geospatial - Pageable - Shapeable operationId: Parties_Search parameters: - description: | Party kind For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. in: query name: kind required: false type: string enum: [individual, organization] - $ref: '#/parameters/search-query-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/search-fields-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/search-mode-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/latitude-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/longitude-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/radius-param' - $ref: "#/parameters/page-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/page-size-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/include-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/trim-param" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/paged-party-list' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}': get: summary: Get details of specific party tags: - Parties x-asee-tags: - Shapeable operationId: Parties_Get parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - $ref: "#/parameters/include-param" - $ref: "#/parameters/trim-param" responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/party' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/relationships': parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. in: path name: party-number required: true type: string get: summary: List relationships of specific party tags: - Parties operationId: Parties_Relationship_GetList responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/party-relationship' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/id-documents': parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. in: path name: party-number required: true type: string get: summary: List id documents of specific party tags: - Parties operationId: Parties_IdDocuments_GetList responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-document' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' post: summary: Register new identification document of specific party tags: - Parties operationId: Parties_RegisterIdentificationDocument parameters: - description: Command contains identification document in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/register-identification-document-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/servicing-info': patch: summary: Modify servicing info of the party tags: - Parties operationId: Party_ModifyServicingInfo parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains details of servicing info in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-party-servicing-info-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/contact-preference': patch: summary: Modify contact preference of specific party tags: - Parties operationId: Parties_ContactPreference_Modify parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains contact preferences in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-contact-preference-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/contact-points': parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. in: path name: party-number required: true type: string get: summary: List contact points of specific party tags: - Contact points operationId: Parties_GetContactPoints parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/method-param' - $ref: '#/parameters/usage-param' responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-point' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' post: summary: Register new contact point for specific party tags: - Contact points operationId: Parties_RegisterContactPoints parameters: - description: Command contains details of individual to be registered in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/register-contact-point-command' responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/resource-created-result' headers: Location: type: string description: The URL of the newly registered contact point '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/{party-number}/contact-points/{id}': parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Unique identifier of the contact point in: path name: id required: true type: string patch: summary: Modify specific contact point tags: - Contact points operationId: Parties_ModifyContactPoint parameters: - description: Command contains details of individual to be registered in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-contact-point-command' responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/resource-created-result' headers: Location: type: string description: The URL of the registered identification document '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals': post: summary: Register individual details description: | Registers new individual according to specified registration profile that determines which fields are mandatory. > Mandatory fields for `contact` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `mobile-phone` - `email-address` > Mandatory fields for `prospect` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `mobile-phone` - `email-address` - `contact-address` - `id-number` > Mandatory fields for `customer` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `contact-address` - `birth-place` - `birth-country` - `country-of-residence` - `legal-address` - `delivery-address` - `employment-status` - `id-number` tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_Register parameters: - description: Command contains details of individual to be registered in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/register-individual-command' responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/resource-created-result' headers: Location: type: string description: The URL of the newly registered individual default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals/{party-number}/corrections': patch: summary: Correction of individual registration tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_ApplyCorrections parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: The command that contains detail about corrections that should be merged with original data in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/apply-individual-corrections-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals/{party-number}/surname': patch: summary: Change individual surname tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_ChangeSurname parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command that contains details about individual surname in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/change-individual-surname-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals/{party-number}/employmentprofile': patch: summary: Modify employment profile tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_ModifyEmploymentProfile parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command that contains details about individual employment profile in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-individual-employment-profile-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals/{party-number}/residentialprofile': patch: summary: Modify residential profile tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_ModifyResidentialProfile parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command that contains details about individual residential profile in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-individual-residential-profile-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/individuals/{party-number}/death-report': post: summary: Add individual death date tags: - Individuals operationId: Individuals_ReportDeath parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command that contains details about individual date of death in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/report-death-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/organizations': post: summary: Register organization description: | Registers new organization according to specified registration profile that determines which fields are mandatory. > Mandatory fields for `contact` registration profile: - `commercial-name` - `phone` > Additional mandatory fields for `prospect` registration profile: - `contact-address` - `id-number` - `registered-name` > Additional mandatory fields for `customer` registration profile: - `organization-purpose` - `legal-address` - `delivery-address` - `established` tags: - Organizations operationId: Organizations_Register parameters: - description: Command contains details of organization to be registered in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/register-organization-command' responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/resource-created-result' headers: Location: type: string description: The URL of the registered organization default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/organizations/{party-number}/name': patch: summary: Modify organization name and legal structure tags: - Organizations operationId: Organization_ModifyBusinessName parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains details of registered or comercial name and legal structure in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-organization-name-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/organizations/{party-number}/ownership': patch: summary: Change organization ownership tags: - Organizations operationId: Organization_ChangeOwnership parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains details of ownership info in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/change-organization-ownership-info-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/organizations/{party-number}/size': patch: summary: Change organization size tags: - Organizations operationId: Organization_ChangeSize parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains details of company size in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/change-organization-size-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/parties/organizations/{party-number}/profile': patch: summary: Modify organization profile tags: - Organizations operationId: Organization_ModifyProfile parameters: - description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number in: path name: party-number required: true type: string - description: Command contains details of organization profile in: body name: cmd required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/modify-organization-profile-command' responses: '204': description: No content '400': description: | Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/validation-problem' '440': description: | Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/business-problem' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' '/classifications': get: summary: List all classification schemas used by the API description: Some fields and parameters have been restricted to a list of allowed lookup values maintained by the bank. This method lists all schemas used in this API. operationId: "Classifications_GetList" responses: '200': description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/classification-list' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' tags: - Classifications '/classifications/{schema-id}': get: summary: List values allowed by given classification schema. description: Returns all classification values for chosen classification. operationId: Classifications_Get parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/schema-id-param' responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/classification' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' tags: - Classifications '/classifications/sync': get: summary: List of classifications for synchronization description: Returns list of classifications that are added or changed after timestamp token supplied tags: - Classifications x-asee-tags: - Sync operationId: Classifications_Sync parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/sync-timestamp-param" responses: '200': description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/classification-list' default: $ref: '#/responses/default-error-response' responses: default-error-response: description: Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling) definitions: paged-party-list: description: List of parties type: object x-asee-trimmed: - parties.contact-points - parties.relationships - parties.id-documents allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/paged-list' properties: parties: description: Collection of parties type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/party' example: total-count: 1250 page-size: 50 page-number: 1 total-pages: 25 parties: - kind: individual party-number: ID001 contact-name: John Doe contact-preference: preferred-language: sr-Latn-RS opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing primary-id: number: TX12345678 kind: tax-id-number country-of-residence: RS profile-image-url: http://www.mybank.rs/docs?id=99911115522345560151103 customer: kind: domestic-resident status: active segment: professional contact-points: - id: CP110 method: email usage: default address: kind: electronic-address formatted: test.user@mybank.com contact-preference: preferred-language: en-US opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing - id: CP111 method: postal usage: home address: kind: postal-address formatted: 1389 Sunset blvd. Belgrade contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing relationships: - kind: marriage role: spouse to-party: number: "PAR001" name: Linda Doe kind: individual - kind: family role: child to-party: number: "PAR002" name: John jr. kind: individual - kind: individual party-number: ID002 contact-name: Linda Doe contact-preference: preferred-language: en-US opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing primary-id: number: TX12300000 kind: tax-id-number country-of-residence: RS profile-image-url: http://www.mybank.rs/docs?id=999111155444445560151103 customer: kind: domestic-resident status: active segment: professional contact-points: - id: CP113 method: email usage: default address: kind: electronic-address formatted: test.user2@mybank.com contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing - id: CP114 method: postal usage: home address: kind: postal-address formatted: 1389 Sunset blvd. Belgrade contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing relationships: - kind: marriage role: spouse to-party: number: "PAR001" name: John Doe kind: individual - kind: family role: child to-party: number: "PAR002" name: John Jr. kind: individual party: description: Command with details for party registration type: object required: - kind discriminator: kind properties: kind: type: string enum: [individual, organization] description: | For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. party-number: description: Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. type: string contact-name: description: "Primary current name of party used by bank for contact purposes. For organizations it is usually same as organization's legal name and for individuals same as person's full name." type: string contact-preference: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-preference' primary-id: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-number' country-of-residence: description: Party's country of residence type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 profile-image-url: type: string format: url description: URL of profile image kept in contnent repository customer: $ref: "#/definitions/customer" contact-points: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-point' relationships: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/party-relationship' servicing-info: $ref: '#/definitions/servicing-info' origination-info: $ref: '#/definitions/origination-info' example: kind: individual party-number: ID001 contact-name: John Doe contact-preference: - preferred-language: en-US opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing - preferred-language: sr-Latn-RS opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing primary-id: number: TX12345678 kind: tax-id-number country-of-residence: RS profile-image-url: http://www.mybank.rs/docs?id=99911115522345560151103 customer: kind: domestic-resident status: active segment: professional contact-points: - id: CP110 method: email usage: default address: kind: electronic-address formatted: test.user@mybank.com contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing - id: CP111 method: postal usage: home address: kind: postal-address formatted: 1389 Sunset blvd. Belgrade contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing relationships: - kind: marriage role: spouse to-party: number: "PAR001" name: Linda kind: individual - kind: family role: child to-party: number: "PAR002" name: John kind: individual organization: description: Organization type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/party' properties: registered-name: description: "Legal name under which oganization is established" type: string commercial-name: description: "The primary commercial name of an organization, by which it is most commonly recognized" type: string legal-structure: type: string x-asee-classification: legal-structure description: 'Classifies organizations based on their legal form or structure. For example, `public-organization`, `partnership`, `sole-proprietorship`, `limited-company`.such as trust, company, charity, or estate. For a complete list of possible values see [legal-structure](party-classifications.html#legal-structure)' organization-purpose: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-purpose description: 'Distinguishes between organizations according to their purpose or format; for example, `association` and `public-service`. For a complete list of possible values see [organization-purpose](party-classifications.html#organization-purpose)' is-sole-trader: type: boolean description: 'A flag indicating that this organization represents the business aspects of an individual operating as a sole trader. The relevant Individual can be traced through the party relationship.' established: description: Date on which organization was formally established type: string format: date industry-sector: type: string x-asee-classification: industry-sectors description: 'Classifies organizations based on their industry sectors. For example, `distribution of electricity`, `news agency activities`, `activities related to information technology`, etc. For a complete list of possible values see [industry-sectors](party-classifications.html#industry-sectors)' ownership-info: $ref: "#/definitions/ownership-info" size: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-size description: "Classsifies organizations based on their size according to the regulators rules. For a complete list of possible values see [organization-size](party-classifications.html#organization-size)" file-kind: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-file-kinds description: "Internal classification of organizations for banks internal filing purpose. For example, `Micro company`,`Bank`,`Corporate` etc. For complete list of possible values see [organization-file-kinds](party-classifications.html#organization-file-kinds)" individual: description: Individual type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/party' properties: full-name: description: Human readable name of the object by which it is best recognized. type: string given-name: description: "Name given to individual at birth usually by parents. For example *John* or *Jane*" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string parent-name: description: "Name of one parent. For example *John* or *Jane*" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string surname: description: "Part of an individual's name which belongs to the family the individual is a part of. For example *Smith*, *Mueller*" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string maiden-name: description: "Individual's surname as it existed prior to any change of surname resulting from any marriage. In many countries, legal and/or social and cultural conventions dictate or suggest that one spouse assume the surname of the other spouse upon their marriage" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string gender: description: 'Gender is the characteristic pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity' type: string enum: [female, male, unknown] birth-date: description: Person's date of birth format: date type: string place-of-birth: description: Person's place of birth type: string country-of-birth: description: Person's country of birth type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 individual-status: description: lifecycle of individual. Value Null will be treated like value living. type: string enum: [living, deceased] death-date: description: Person's date of death format: date type: string death-notice-date: description: Date from which bank have a notice of death of person format: date type: string citizenship: description: Country of citizenship entered from original or certified document type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 minLength: 2 maxLength: 2 x-foreign-person: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates that this is foreign person.' x-is-resident: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates weather individual is resident or not. This flag can be true for both domestic and foreign persons. Field is specific to PUB implementation.' legal-competency: description: | 'Enumeration that distinguishes whether individual has any legal limitation on their ability to transact business with bank' For a list of possible values see [legal-competencies](party-classifications.html#legal-competencies) enumeration. type: string enum: [incompetent-minor, competent-adult] marital-status: description: | Marital status For a list of possible values see [marital-statuses](party-classifications.html#marital-statuses) enumeration. enum: - divorced - common-law-marriage - married - single - widowed type: string employment-status: $ref: '#/definitions/employment-status' employment: $ref: '#/definitions/employment' id-documents: description: List of identification documents items: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-document' type: array customer: description: Details on party as a bank's customer type: object properties: kind: type: string x-asee-classification: customer-taxonomy description: 'Classifies customers according to taxonomy defined by bank. For a complete list of possible values see [customer-taxonomies](party-classifications.html#customer-taxonomies) classification' status: description: ' Enumer identifies the state of a customer within a lifecycle model. For a list of values see in [customer-statuses](party-classifications.html#customer-statuses) enumeration' x-asee-enumeration: customer-statuses type: string enum: [potential, prospective, active, dormant, former, declined, rejected] segment: type: string x-asee-classification: customer-segment description: 'Classifies the customers into segments according to bank requirements. For a complete list of possible values see [customer-segments](party-classifications.html#customer-segments) classification' party-relationship: type: object description: Relationship between two parties - individuals and organizations properties: kind: type: string enum: [marriage, family, ownership, representation, employment] description: | For a list of possible values see [party-relationship-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-relationship-kinds) enumeration. role: type: string enum: [spouse, child, parent, sibling, cousin, owner, owned, representative, represented, employer, employee] x-asee-enumeration: party-relationship-roles description: | For a list of possible values see [party-relationship-roles](party-classifications.html#party-relationship-roles) enumeration. to-party: type: object properties: number: type: string description: Unique identifier of other party in a relationship name: type: string description: Name of other party in a relationship kind: type: string enum: [individual, organization] x-asee-enumeration: party-kinds description: | For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. employment: description: Employment information for individual properties: employer: description: Employer name type: string employment-date: description: Date of employment at current employer format: date-time type: string employment-position: description: Employment position held by individual type: string type: object contact-preference: description: General contact preference properties: preferred-language: x-asee-compliance: This should be related to some classification. description: Preferred communication language type: string opt-ins: description: 'Purposes for which party allowes to be contacted. For a complete list of possible values see [contact-purposes](party-classifications.html#contact-purposes) classification' items: type: string type: array x-asee-classification: contact-purposes opt-outs: description: 'Purposes for which party does not allow to be contacted. For a complete list of possible values see [contact-purposes](party-classifications.html#contact-purposes) classification' items: type: string type: array x-asee-classification: contact-purposes type: object contact-point: description: Point of contact for party dependendent on the different means of communication delivery such as postal, telephony, electronic delivery properties: id: description: Unique identifier of this contact point type: string readOnly: true method: description: | Enumeration that explains method od contact. Common values are `postal`, `gsm` and `email` For a list of possible values see [contact-point-methods](party-classifications.html#contact-point-methods) enumeration. type: string enum: [postal, pstn, gsm, fax, facebook, email, web] usage: description: | 'Enumeration that explains context of usage of the contact. Commonly used values are `home`, `work`, `business` and `default` which has a special meaning of being a primary contact' For a list of possible values see [contact-point-usages](party-classifications.html#contact-point-usages) enumeration. type: string default: default enum: [default, home, business, work, seasonal, assistant, delivery, legal] address: $ref: '#/definitions/address' contact-preference: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-preference' type: object example: id: CP110 method: email usage: default address: kind: electronic-address formatted: test.user@mybank.com contact-preference: preferred-language: ENG opt-ins: billing,relationship-management opt-outs: advertising,marketing address: description: Structured address for communication. Used as a common base for postal-address, phone-number and email-address type: object discriminator: kind required: - kind - formatted properties: kind: description: | Kind of structured address. Allowed values are `postal-address`, `telecommunication-number` and `email-address` For a list of possible values see [address-kinds](party-classifications.html#address-kinds) enumeration. type: string enum: [postal-address, telecommunication-number, electronic-address] formatted: description: Formatted address text type: string electronic-address: description: Electronic address such as email, url or faebook account type: object allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/address" properties: is-primary: description: Defines wheather this Telecommunication number is primary or not type: boolean postal-address: description: Postal delivery address. allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/address" properties: street-code: description: Street code if codebook is used for streets type: string street: description: Street name type: string street-number: description: Street number type: string postal-code: description: Postal code type: string locality-code: description: Populated place code if codebook is used type: string locality: description: Populated place such as city, town or village type: string country: description: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code type: string maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 apartment: description: Apartment number required for precise postal delivery type: string floor: description: Floor number required for precise postal delivery type: string address-code: description: Address code assigned for precise postal delivery type: string coordinates: $ref: "#/definitions/coordinates" type: object coordinates: type: object required: - lat - long description: The geographic coordinates of a location properties: lat: description: The latitude of a location. For example 37.42242 format: double type: number long: description: The longitude of a location. For example -122.08585 format: double type: number telecommunication-number: description: Telecommunication number allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/address" properties: number: description: Local number maxLength: 8 minLength: 5 type: string area-code: description: AreaCode number maxLength: 4 minLength: 1 type: string country-code: description: CountryCode number maxLength: 3 minLength: 1 type: string extension: description: Extension number maxLength: 6 minLength: 2 type: string formatted: description: Formatted telecomunication number. maxLength: 21 minLength: 2 type: string is-primary: description: Defines wheather this Telecommunication number is primary or not type: boolean type: object identification-number: description: 'Acceptable external identity number taken from original or certified documents that contain identification details of individial or organization such as full name, date of birth, registered name, date of establishment etc.' properties: number: description: Identification number type: string kind: description: | 'Kind of identification number. Common values are `personal-id-number`, `passport-number`, `registration-number` ' For a list of possible values see [identification-kinds](party-classifications.html#identification-kinds) enumeration. type: string enum: [registration-number, tax-id-number, personal-id-number, identity-card-number, passport-number, driver-license-number, social-security-number] type: object required: - number - kind identification-document: description: Document that was used to identify individual properties: kind: description: | Enumeration that distinguishes between different kinds of identification documents For a list of possible values see [identification-document-kinds](party-classifications.html#identification-document-kinds) enumeration. type: string enum: [passport, national-id-card, drivers-license, alien-id-card, birth-certficate] serial-number: description: Registered serial number of identification document type: string issued: description: Date when document was issued format: date type: string valid-until: description: Date untill document is valid format: date type: string status: description: | Status of document For a list of possible values see [identification-document-statuses](party-classifications.html#identification-document-statuses) enumeration. type: string enum: [active, annulled, expired] place-of-issue-code: description: Place of issue code if codebook is used for places type: string place-of-issue: description: Reference to the place where document is issued maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string issuing-authority: description: The authority that issued the document maxLength: 100 minLength: 2 type: string content-url: description: URL of scanned document image kept in DMS repository type: string format: url type: object example: kind: national-id-card serial-number: "010011002345" issued: 2016-01-01 valid-until: 2026-01-01 status: active place-of-issue: Beograd issuing-authority: MUP Novi Beograd content-url: http://www.mybank.rs/docs?id=9990015520900120151103 employment-status: description: | Employment status of the individual. For complete list of possible values see [employment-statuses](party-classifications.html#employment-statuses) enumeration. type: string enum: - employed - not-employed - retired - shop-owner - farmer - leave-of-absence - part-time-job ownership-info: description: "Ownership info for the organization" type: object properties: kind: type: string x-asee-classification: ownership-kinds description: "Classifies organizations based on their business ownership kind. For example, `Private property`,`State owned`,`Public property`. For complete list of possible values see [ownership-kinds](party-classifications.html#ownership-kinds)" residental-status: type: string x-asee-classification: ownership-residential-status-types description: Classification of organizations by ownership residential status. servicing-info: properties: org-unit: description: OU code for organization unit that is servicing party. type: string agent: description: Unique identifier of agent that is servicing party. type: string origination-info: properties: org-unit: description: OU code for organization unit in wich organization is registered. type: string agent: description: Unique identifier of agent that registered organization. type: string channel: type: string description: Unique identifier (channel code) of channel from which loan was originated application-number: type: string description: Unique identifier of application that was used to originate arrangement register-individual-command: description: Command with details to register individual. properties: registration-profile: type: string enum: [contact, prospect, customer] description: | For a list of possible values see [registration-profiles](party-classifications.html#registration-profiles) enumeration. given-name: description: "Name given to individual at birth usually by parents. For example *John* or *Jane*. Mandatory in following registration profiles: `contact`, `prospect`, `customer`" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string parent-name: description: "Name of one parent. For example *John* or *Jane*" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string surname: description: "Part of an individual's name which belongs to the family the individual is a part of. For example *Smith*, *Mueller*. Mandatory in following registration profiles: `contact`, `prospect`, `customer`" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string maiden-name: description: "Individual's surname as it existed prior to any change of surname resulting from any marriage. In many countries, legal and/or social and cultural conventions dictate or suggest that one spouse assume the surname of the other spouse upon their marriage" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string gender: description: 'Gender is the characteristic pertaining to, and differentiating between, masculinity and femininity' type: string enum: [female, male, unknown] segment: type: string x-asee-classification: customer-segment description: 'Classifies the customers into segments according to bank requirements. For a complete list of possible values see [customer-segments](party-classifications.html#customer-segments) classification' mobile-phone: $ref: '#/definitions/telecommunication-number' email-address: $ref: '#/definitions/electronic-address' contact-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' id-number: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-number' id-document: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-document' birth-date: description: birth date of an individual type: string birth-place-code: description: birth place code if codebook is used for places type: string birth-place: description: Name of the populated place where individual was born type: string birth-country: description: Country where individual was born maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country-of-residence: description: Country where individual has legal residence maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 x-foreign-person: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates that this is foreign person.' x-is-resident: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates weather individual is resident or not. This flag can be true for both domestic and foreign persons. Field is specific to PUB implementation.' legal-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' delivery-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' employment-status: $ref: '#/definitions/employment-status' employer-id: description: 'Current employer id of an individual. If not registered, employer can be registered with minimum set of data. Mandatory fields are described in `contact` registration profile for an organization' type: string employment-date: description: Date of employment at current employer format: date-time type: string employment-position: description: Employment position held by individual type: string party-number: description: 'Business identifier of the party if previously registered as prospect' maxLength: 30 minLength: 0 type: string required: - registration-profile - given-name - surname - mobile-phone type: object apply-individual-corrections-command: description: Command with details to apply corrections to data held about individual. properties: corrections: $ref: '#/definitions/merge-patch-document' correction-reason: description: 'Reason for correction from clasification' type: string enum: - customer-supplied-wrong-data - agent-entry-mistake - imported-as-wrong correction-comment: description: 'Comment of correction' type: string required: - reason-for-correction type: object merge-patch-document: description: 'Merge patch document with instructions on how to change original data according to RFC 7396' type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/value' value: type: object change-individual-surname-command: description: Command with details tochange individual surname. properties: surname: description: "Part of an individual's name which belongs to the family the individual is a part of. For example *Smith*, *Mueller*. Mandatory in following registration profiles: `contact`, `prospect`, `customer`" maxLength: 40 minLength: 2 type: string modify-individual-employment-profile-command: description: Command with details to change employment profile type: object properties: employment-status: $ref: '#/definitions/employment-status' employer-id: description: 'Current employer id of an individual. If not registered, employer can be registered with minimum set of data. Mandatory fields are described in `contact` registration profile for an organization' type: string employment-date: description: Date of employment at current employer format: date-time type: string employment-position: description: Employment position held by individual type: string modify-individual-residential-profile-command: description: Command with details to change residential profile. properties: country-of-residence: description: Country where individual has legal residence maxLength: 2 minLength: 2 type: string format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 x-is-resident: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates weather individual is resident or not. This flag can be true for both domestic and foreign persons. Field is specific to PUB implementation.' x-foreign-person: type: boolean description: 'A non standard field that indicates that this is foreign person.' report-death-command: description: Command with details to add individual deceased date. properties: death-date: description: Person's date of death format: date type: string death-notice-date: description: Date from which bank have a notice of death of person format: date type: string register-organization-command: description: Command with details to register organization required: - registration-profile - commercial-name - phone type: object properties: registration-profile: type: string enum: [contact, prospect, customer] description: | For a list of possible values see [registration-profiles](party-classifications.html#registration-profiles) enumeration. registered-name: description: "Legal name under which oganization is established" type: string commercial-name: description: "The primary commercial name of an organization, by which it is most commonly recognized" type: string legal-structure: type: string x-asee-classification: legal-structures description: 'Classifies organizations based on their legal form or structure. For example, `public-organization`, `partnership`, `sole-proprietorship`, `limited-company`.such as trust, company, charity, or estate. For a complete list of possible values see [legal-structures](party-classifications.html#legal-structures)' industry-sector: type: string x-asee-classification: industry-sectors description: 'Classifies organizations based on their industry sectors. For example, `distribution of electricity`, `news agency activities`, `activities related to information technology`, etc. For a complete list of possible values see [industry-sectors](party-classifications.html#industry-sectors)' organization-purpose: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-purposes description: 'Distinguishes between organizations according to their purpose or format; for example, `association` and `public-service`. For a complete list of possible values see [organization-purposes](party-classifications.html#organization-purposes)' established: description: Date on which organization was formally established type: string format: date ownership-info: $ref: '#/definitions/ownership-info' size: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-size description: "Classsifies organizations based on their size according to the regulators rules. For a complete list of possible values see [organization-size](party-classifications.html#organization-size)" servicing-info: $ref: '#/definitions/servicing-info' origination-info: $ref: '#/definitions/origination-info' file-kind: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-file-kinds description: "Internal classification of organizations for banks internal filing purpose. For example, `Micro company`,`Bank`,`Corporate` etc. For complete list of possible values see [organization-file-kinds](party-classifications.html#organization-file-kinds)" id-numbers: description: List of organization identification numbers type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-number' id-document: $ref: '#/definitions/identification-document' phone: $ref: '#/definitions/telecommunication-number' email-address: $ref: '#/definitions/electronic-address' contact-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' legal-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' delivery-address: $ref: '#/definitions/postal-address' modify-organization-name-command: description: 'Command for changing organization bussiness or commercial name. Business name must contain the name, legal form and place of business. This is common business change according to business registers agencies.' type: object properties: registered-name: description: "Legal name under which oganization is established" type: string commercial-name: description: "The primary commercial name of an organization, by which it is most commonly recognized" type: string legal-structure: type: string x-asee-classification: legal-structures description: 'Classifies organizations based on their legal form or structure. For example, `public-organization`, `partnership`, `sole-proprietorship`, `limited-company`.such as trust, company, charity, or estate. For a complete list of possible values see [legal-structures](party-classifications.html#legal-structures)' change-organization-ownership-info-command: description: 'Command for changing organization ownership info. This is business change which take place when company changes type of owner e.g. from state to private or from public to state owned.' type: object properties: ownership-info: $ref: '#/definitions/ownership-info' modify-organization-profile-command: properties: organization-file-kind: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-file-kinds description: "Internal classification of organizations for banks internal filing purpose. For example, `Micro company`,`Bank`,`Corporate` etc. For complete list of possible values see [organization-file-kinds](party-classifications.html#organization-file-kinds)" change-organization-size-command: description: "Command for changing organization's size classification." type: object properties: size: type: string x-asee-classification: organization-size description: "Classsifies organizations based on their size according to the regulators rules. For a complete list of possible values see [organization-size](party-classifications.html#organization-size)" modify-party-servicing-info-command: description: 'Command for modifying a servicing info servicing the party' type: object properties: servicing-info: $ref: '#/definitions/servicing-info' register-contact-point-command: description: Command to register new contact address properties: contact-point: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-point' required: - contact-point type: object modify-contact-point-command: description: Command to register new contact address properties: contact-point: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-point' required: - contact-point type: object modify-contact-preference-command: description: Command to register new contact address properties: contact-preference: $ref: '#/definitions/contact-preference' required: - contact-preference type: object register-identification-document-command: description: Command to register identification document properties: identification-document: $ref: "#/definitions/identification-document" required: - identification-document type: object resource-created-result: description: Unique identifier of newly created resource that can be used in future inquires and commands type: string example: "ID12345" validation-problem: description: Details of failed validation properties: errors: description: List of validation errors type: array items: type: object properties: tag: description: Name of input element (field or parameter) that is in invalid. If missing or null it is interpreted that validation error refers to entire request rather than to specific element. type: string error: description: Unique literal that identifies kind of validation error type: string message: description: Message that explains failed validation. To support translation message may embed variable parameters in curly brackets. type: string example: errors: - tag: phone-number error: invalid-format message: Format for this field is invalid - tag: phone-number error: max-length message: Content exceeds maximum alowed length - tag: account-number error: check-digit-invalid message: Check digit is invalid for this field business-problem: description: Details on specific problem that prevented processing after successfull validation type: object properties: problem: description: Unique literal that identifies specific problem type: string message: description: Message explaining the situation and optionaly remedies type: string details: description: Optional details supplied for troubleshooting type: string example: problem: document-locked message: Document you are trying to access is locked by another user details: User john.doe has locked the document paged-list: description: List with support for paging properties: total-count: description: Total number of items in collection type: integer page-size: description: Size of the page type: integer page: description: Index of current page type: integer total-pages: description: Total number of pages of set size type: integer sort-order: description: Sort order (`asc` or `desc`). Default is asc type: string enum: - asc - desc sort-by: description: Attribute of the collection item to sort by type: string classification-value: type: object description: Classification value properties: literal: description: Literal that uniquely identifies classification value type: string code: description: Optional numerical code of classification value type: string description: description: Description of classification value type: string parent-literal: description: Optional literal of parent classification value if schema is hierarchical type: string example: literal: billing code: 2 description: Contact may be used to provide party with details of their liabilities to the bank classification-list: description: List of classification schemas type: object properties: items: description: List of classification schemas items: $ref: "#/definitions/classification-info" type: array example: - schema-id: filing-purpose name: Filing Purpose description: List of possible uses of document in business context. Commonly used filing purposes are document, customer-picture - schema-id: folder-purpose name: Folder Purpose description: List of possible uses of a folder in business context. classification-info: description: Basic information on classification schema properties: schema-id: type: string description: Unique literal that identifies the classification schema. Always in `lowercase-dash` convention. name: type: string description: User friendly name of classification description: type: string description: Description of a classification example: schema-id: filing-purpose name: Filing Purpose description: List of possible uses of document in business context. Commonly used filing purposes are document, customer-picture classification: type: object description: Classification schema details properties: schema-id: type: string description: Unique literal that identifies the classification schema. Always in `lowercase-dash` convention. name: type: string description: User friendly name of classification description: type: string description: Description of a classification values: description: List of allowed classification values type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/classification-value" example: schema-id: contact-purpose name: Contact Purpose description: List of possible uses of contact in business context. Commonly used filing purposes are billing, marketing values: - literal: billing code: 1 description: Contact may be used to provide party with details of their liabilities to the bank - literal: marketing code: 2 description: Contact may be used to provide party with details of offers - literal: reporting code: 3 description: Contact may be used to provide party with reports on their account party-list: description: List of parties for synchronization type: object x-asee-trimmed: - parties.contact-points - parties.relationships - parties.id-documents properties: parties: description: Collection of parties type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/party' sync-timestamp: description: Timestamp indicator token of synchronization data returned type: string parameters: telecommunication-number-param: description: Telecommunication number in: query name: telecommunication-number required: false type: string email-param: description: Electronic address in: query name: email required: false type: string facebook-account-param: description: Facebook account in: query name: facebook-account required: false type: string name-param: description: Party name in: query name: name required: false type: string method-param: description: | 'Contact methods of interest to filter contact points. Common values are `postal`, `gsm` and `email`. If empty or not present, all contact methods are considered interesting' For a list of possible values see [contact-point-methods](party-classifications.html#contact-point-methods) enumeration. in: query name: metohod required: false items: type: string enum: [postal, pstn, gsm, fax, facebook, email, web] type: array collectionFormat: csv usage-param: description: | 'Usages of interest to filter contact points. Commonly used values are `home`, `work`, `business` and `default` which has a special meaning of being a primary contact. If empty or not present, all usages are considered interesting.' For a list of possible values see [contact-point-usages](party-classifications.html#contact-point-usages) enumeration. in: query name: usage required: false items: type: string enum: [default, home, business, work, seasonal, assistant, delivery, legal] type: array collectionFormat: csv latitude-param: description: Geographic latitude of the location of map center. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. in: query name: lat required: false format: double type: number longitude-param: description: Geographic longitude of the location of map center. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. in: query name: long required: false format: double type: number radius-param: description: Radius (in km) from location on map specified by latitude and longitude. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. in: query name: radius required: false format: double type: number search-query-param: name: q in: query description: The text to search for. All searchable fields are searched by default unless search-fields is specified. When searching searchable fields, the search text itself is tokenized, so multiple terms can be separated by white space (e.g. `q=hello world`). required: true type: string search-fields-param: description: The list of comma-separated field names to search for the specified text. Target fields must be marked as searchable in: query name: search-fields type: array items: type: string collectionFormat: csv search-mode-param: name: search-mode in: query description: Specifies whether any or all of the search terms must be matched in order to count the document as a match. type: string enum: - any - all required: false schema-id-param: name: schema-id description: Identifier of classification schema in: path required: true type: string page-param: name: page in: query description: Page index. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) type: integer default: 1 x-asee-common: true page-size-param: name: page-size in: query description: Number of items on a page. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) required: false type: integer default: 10 x-asee-common: true sort-order-param: description: Sort order (`asc` or `desc`). Default is asc. For more information see general guidance on [sorting](common-getstarted.html#sorting) in: query name: sort-order type: string default: asc enum: - asc - desc x-asee-common: true sort-by-param: description: Attribute of the collection item to sort by. For more information see general guidance on [sorting](common-getstarted.html#sorting) in: query name: sort-by type: string x-asee-common: true include-param: description: List of fields to include in response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) in: query name: include type: array items: type: string collectionFormat: csv x-asee-common: true trim-param: description: List of fields to trim from response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) in: query name: trim type: array items: type: string collectionFormat: csv x-asee-common: true sync-timestamp-param: name: sync-timestamp description: Optional timestamp indicator for incremental synchronization. If supplied items that have been recorded or updated after it will be returned. If empty or not present, all items will be returned type: string in: query