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API Reference - PartyAPI 1 Json Yaml Try
Party API gives you access to individuals and organizations registered with the financial institution whether they are customers or just prospects or related parties. Also you can get all party related information like identification documents, contact points and relationships.
Working with Individuals
Register individual details
POST /v1/party/parties/individuals
Registers new individual according to specified registration profile that determines which fields are mandatory. > Mandatory fields for `contact` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `mobile-phone` - `email-address` > Mandatory fields for `prospect` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `mobile-phone` - `email-address` - `contact-address` - `id-number` > Mandatory fields for `customer` registration profile: - `given-name` - `surname` - `contact-address` - `birth-place` - `birth-country` - `country-of-residence` - `legal-address` - `delivery-address` - `employment-status` - `id-number`
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command contains details of individual to be registered |
201 - Created
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
Correction of individual registration
PATCH /v1/party/parties/individuals/{party-number}/corrections
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
The command that contains detail about corrections that should be merged with original data |
204 - No content
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
Change individual surname
PATCH /v1/party/parties/individuals/{party-number}/surname
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command that contains details about individual surname |
204 - No content
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
Modify residential profile
PATCH /v1/party/parties/individuals/{party-number}/residentialprofile
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command that contains details about individual residential profile |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
Add individual death date
POST /v1/party/parties/individuals/{party-number}/death-report
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command that contains details about individual date of death |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
Modify employment profile
PATCH /v1/party/parties/individuals/{party-number}/employmentprofile
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command that contains details about individual employment profile |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
204 - No content
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
Working with contact points
Modify specific contact point
PATCH /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/contact-points/{id}
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the contact point |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command contains details of individual to be registered |
201 - Created
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
Register new contact point for specific party
POST /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/contact-points
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
Body / |
Command contains details of individual to be registered |
201 - Created
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
List contact points of specific party
GET /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/contact-points
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
Query / Array |
'Contact methods of interest to filter contact points. Common values are `postal`, `gsm` and `email`. If empty or not present, all contact methods are considered interesting' For a list of possible values see [contact-point-methods](party-classifications.html#contact-point-methods) enumeration. |
Query / Array |
'Usages of interest to filter contact points. Commonly used values are `home`, `work`, `business` and `default` which has a special meaning of being a primary contact. If empty or not present, all usages are considered interesting.' For a list of possible values see [contact-point-usages](party-classifications.html#contact-point-usages) enumeration. |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"id": "string",
"method": "string",
"usage": "string",
"address": {
"kind": "string",
"formatted": "string"
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
Working with individuals and organizations
Modify contact preference of specific party
PATCH /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/contact-preference
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command contains contact preferences |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
Modify servicing info of the party
PATCH /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/servicing-info
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command contains details of servicing info |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
204 - No content
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
Get details of specific party
GET /v1/party/parties/{party-number}
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Query / Array |
List of fields to include in response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
Query / Array |
List of fields to trim from response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"kind": "string",
"party-number": "string",
"contact-name": "string",
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"primary-id": {
"number": "string",
"kind": "string"
"country-of-residence": "string",
"profile-image-url": "string",
"customer": {
"kind": "string",
"status": "string",
"segment": "string"
"contact-points": [
"id": "string",
"method": "string",
"usage": "string",
"address": {
"kind": "string",
"formatted": "string"
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"relationships": [
"kind": "string",
"role": "string",
"to-party": "object"
"servicing-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string"
"origination-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string",
"channel": "string",
"application-number": "string"
List id documents of specific party
GET /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/id-documents
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
200 - OK
"kind": "string",
"serial-number": "string",
"issued": "string",
"valid-until": "string",
"status": "string",
"place-of-issue-code": "string",
"place-of-issue": "string",
"issuing-authority": "string",
"content-url": "string"
List relationships of specific party
GET /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/relationships
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"kind": "string",
"role": "string",
"to-party": "object"
Search for individuals and organizations across textual fields
GET /v1/party/parties/search
Returns a list of parties that match filters and search terms accross textual fields such as name, address. Assumed sort is by relevance and then by recency. For addresses tagged with geographic coordinates radius filter can be applied
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Query / Array |
List of fields to include in response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
Query / String |
Party kind For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. |
Query / Number |
Geographic latitude of the location of map center. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. |
Query / Number |
Geographic longitude of the location of map center. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. |
Query / Integer |
Page index. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) |
Query / Integer |
Number of items on a page. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) |
Query / String |
The text to search for. All searchable fields are searched by default unless search-fields is specified. When searching searchable fields, the search text itself is tokenized, so multiple terms can be separated by white space (e.g. `q=hello world`). |
Query / Number |
Radius (in km) from location on map specified by latitude and longitude. Used for geospatial search of transactions that have been geocoded. |
Query / Array |
The list of comma-separated field names to search for the specified text. Target fields must be marked as searchable |
Query / String |
Specifies whether any or all of the search terms must be matched in order to count the document as a match. |
Query / Array |
List of fields to trim from response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"parties": [
"kind": "string",
"party-number": "string",
"contact-name": "string",
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"primary-id": {
"number": "string",
"kind": "string"
"country-of-residence": "string",
"profile-image-url": "string",
"customer": {
"kind": "string",
"status": "string",
"segment": "string"
"contact-points": [
"id": "string",
"method": "string",
"usage": "string",
"address": {
"kind": "string",
"formatted": "string"
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"relationships": [
"kind": "string",
"role": "string",
"to-party": "object"
"servicing-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string"
"origination-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string",
"channel": "string",
"application-number": "string"
List parties for synchronization
GET /v1/party/parties/sync
Returns list of individuals and organizations that are changed after timestamp token supplied
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Query / String |
Optional timestamp indicator for incremental synchronization. If supplied items that have been recorded or updated after it will be returned. If empty or not present, all items will be returned |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"parties": [
"kind": "string",
"party-number": "string",
"contact-name": "string",
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"primary-id": {
"number": "string",
"kind": "string"
"country-of-residence": "string",
"profile-image-url": "string",
"customer": {
"kind": "string",
"status": "string",
"segment": "string"
"contact-points": [
"id": "string",
"method": "string",
"usage": "string",
"address": {
"kind": "string",
"formatted": "string"
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"relationships": [
"kind": "string",
"role": "string",
"to-party": "object"
"servicing-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string"
"origination-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string",
"channel": "string",
"application-number": "string"
"sync-timestamp": "string"
Register new identification document of specific party
POST /v1/party/parties/{party-number}/id-documents
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number. |
Body / |
Command contains identification document |
204 - No content
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
List parties matching filter criteria
GET /v1/party/parties
Returns list of individuals and organizations that match filter criteria
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Query / String |
Electronic address |
Query / String |
Facebook account |
Query / String |
'Kind of identification number. Common values are `personal-id-number`, `passport-number`, `registration-number`' For a list of possible values see [identification-kinds](party-classifications.html#identification-kinds) enumeration. |
Query / String |
External identity number taken from original or certified documents. Must be used in conjuntion with `id-kind` parameter. |
Query / Array |
List of fields to include in response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
Query / String |
Lifecycle of individual. For Individual can be living or deceased |
Query / String |
Party kind. If omitted or not present both individuals and organizations are returned. For a list of possible values see [party-kinds](party-classifications.html#party-kinds) enumeration. |
Query / String |
Party name |
Query / Integer |
Page index. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) |
Query / Integer |
Number of items on a page. For more information see general guidance on [paging](common-getstarted.html#paging) |
Query / String |
Attribute of the collection item to sort by. For more information see general guidance on [sorting](common-getstarted.html#sorting) |
Query / String |
Sort order (`asc` or `desc`). Default is asc. For more information see general guidance on [sorting](common-getstarted.html#sorting) |
Query / Array |
Customer statuses of interest to filter parties. If omitted or not present all customer statuses are considered interesting. For a list of possible values see [customer-statuses](party-classifications.html#customer-statuses) enumeration. |
Query / String |
Telecommunication number |
Query / Array |
List of fields to trim from response. For more information see general guidance on [response shaping](common-getstarted.html#shaping) |
200 - OK
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"parties": [
"kind": "string",
"party-number": "string",
"contact-name": "string",
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"primary-id": {
"number": "string",
"kind": "string"
"country-of-residence": "string",
"profile-image-url": "string",
"customer": {
"kind": "string",
"status": "string",
"segment": "string"
"contact-points": [
"id": "string",
"method": "string",
"usage": "string",
"address": {
"kind": "string",
"formatted": "string"
"contact-preference": {
"preferred-language": "string",
"opt-ins": [
"opt-outs": [
"relationships": [
"kind": "string",
"role": "string",
"to-party": "object"
"servicing-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string"
"origination-info": {
"org-unit": "string",
"agent": "string",
"channel": "string",
"application-number": "string"
Working with classifications
List of classifications for synchronization
GET /v1/party/classifications/sync
Returns list of classifications that are added or changed after timestamp token supplied
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Query / String |
Optional timestamp indicator for incremental synchronization. If supplied items that have been recorded or updated after it will be returned. If empty or not present, all items will be returned |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
200 - OK
"items": [
"schema-id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string"
List all classification schemas used by the API
GET /v1/party/classifications
Some fields and parameters have been restricted to a list of allowed lookup values maintained by the bank. This method lists all schemas used in this API.
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
200 - Success
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
"items": [
"schema-id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string"
List values allowed by given classification schema.
GET /v1/party/classifications/{schema-id}
Returns all classification values for chosen classification.
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Identifier of classification schema |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
200 - OK
"schema-id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"values": [
"literal": "string",
"code": "string",
"description": "string",
"parent-literal": "string"
Working with Organizations
Register organization
POST /v1/party/parties/organizations
Registers new organization according to specified registration profile that determines which fields are mandatory. > Mandatory fields for `contact` registration profile: - `commercial-name` - `phone` > Additional mandatory fields for `prospect` registration profile: - `contact-address` - `id-number` - `registered-name` > Additional mandatory fields for `customer` registration profile: - `organization-purpose` - `legal-address` - `delivery-address` - `established`
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Body / |
Command contains details of organization to be registered |
201 - Created
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
Modify organization name and legal structure
PATCH /v1/party/parties/organizations/{party-number}/name
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command contains details of registered or comercial name and legal structure |
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
Change organization ownership
PATCH /v1/party/parties/organizations/{party-number}/ownership
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command contains details of ownership info |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
Change organization size
PATCH /v1/party/parties/organizations/{party-number}/size
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command contains details of company size |
default - Besides specific status codes above, other standard http [status codes](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html) can be returned for each request. To learn more see general guidance on [error handling](common-getstarted.html#error-handling)
440 - Your request was well constructed but it does not comply with business policy. Consider the following possible problems and look into response for more details:
400 - Your request was well not well constructed. Look into validation error in response for more details.
204 - No content
Modify organization profile
PATCH /v1/party/parties/organizations/{party-number}/profile
Parameter | Type/Format | Description |
Path / String |
Unique identifier of the party. Also known as customer number |
Body / |
Command contains details of organization profile |